SunSurfs Solar Caribbean Inc located in St. Vincent and the Grenadines will soon commence construction of its state-of-the-art highly automated 1.2GW solar panel factory, the first of its kind in the entire region. The factory will increase renewable energy adoption in the Caribbean and create many economic opportunities in the region.

The Factory's Benefits

  • latest in panel technology
  • high quality products at competitive price
  • same day panel delivery for all customers
  • 20-25 years product warranty
  • continuous training for independent installers
  • project development support
  • regional network distribution

We will be producing 700+ watts PERC Mono single and bifacial solar panels(modules) for the entire Caribbean area. The new 700w solar panel is

Producing higher power

10-30% additional power gain and allows for wider application compared to other panels thanks to its bifacial design (vertical installation in windy, dusty, and high humidity areas)

better temperature coefficient

higher power output even on low-light power conditions like cloudy or smoggy days

SunSurfs Solar Caribbean Inc located in St. Vincent and the Grenadines will soon commence construction of its high automation 600MW solar panel factory, the first of its kind in the entire region. The factory will increase renewable energy adoption in the Caribbean and create many economic opportunities in the region.


Enhance Services

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Maintenance Services

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SunSurfs Solar Caribbean in Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is a provider of solar energy panels and generators. We take pride in our innovative insights and solutions aimed towards changing how renewable energy is handled throughout the Caribbean.

Over 54 percent of the electricity consumed globally comes from burning fossil fuels, contributing to 99 percent of greenhouse gas emissions. The installation of solar windows can significantly reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, ensuring a sustainable future for all.


Founder & president

Mr. Tony

CO Founder & CEO

Ms. Samantha

Marketing VP

Mr. Tony

Product & Sales Development